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Introducing myself

Introducing myself!

Hello and welcome to my  brand new blog Bargain Babe!

My name is Eva and I am totally new to blogging but thought I'd give it a go! Bargain Babe is a blog aimed at easy, simple and often un-thought of ways to help you save money in all aspects of life! From reducing the price of your weekly food shop, to all the tips you need for a budget holiday abroad, this is the place to come for all the dollar saving hacks you could ever need.

Before the money saving tips commence however I thought I'd tell you a bit about me in 3 facts:

1. I'm 20 years old and as crazy as it sounds honestly feel like I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis already! I have no idea what career I want to pursue, I have no idea if my degree will help me in any aspect of adult life and like many 20 year olds I feel  totally out of depth in the adult world incapable of dealing with every day 'adult' tasks such as paying bills and dealing with landlords, but hey ho I'm just going along with day to day life as and when it arrives and trying not to worry too much!

2. I'm currently studying a degree in Philosophy at Newcastle University, I love my degree even if I have no idea what I will use it for, however, I am still unable to answer the most commonly asked question in relation to the degree I'm studying "what is philosophy?", to be honest I doubt I'll ever have a solid answer to that one!

3. In my spare time I run a depop account called 'Festival Stitches' which I use as a selling platform for clothing I make and source, most of which is inspired by the carefree nature of music festival culture! It's only small at the moment but is something I hope to make far more successful in the future.

Thanks for reading and keep a look out for the first lot of money saving tips from Bargain Babe! x


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